CGC Video Games Introduces New and Improved Cartridge Wells
Since launching in 2022, CGC Video Games has consistently made improvements to its holders and labels to best serve the video game collecting community. The latest enhancement covers cartridge encapsulation, with the introduction of new wells that exactly match the contours of Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and Nintendo 64 (N64) cartridges.
The new cartridge wells not only conform to the shape of each cartridge but also provide crystal-clear optics and enhanced eye appeal, all while keeping the certified cartridge firmly in place.
The updated wells will be used on all NES, SNES and N64 cartridge submissions moving forward, including those currently at CGC Video Games for grading. Future console cartridges, including the Sega Genesis and the Atari 2600, will have wells designed with these new specifications in mind.
For more information about the new wells — and to see one up close — check out the video below.